export NOMAD_PLUGIN_VERSION=0.2.0 (1)
nextflow run -w $(pwd)/nomad_temp/scratchdir/ -c basic/nextflow.config basic/main.nf (2)
Nextflow enables scalable and reproducible scientific workflows using software containers. It allows the adaptation of pipelines written in the most common scripting languages.
Nomad is a simple and flexible scheduler and orchestrator to deploy and manage containers and non-containerized applications across on-premises and clouds at scale.
In this post, I’ll explore how to use a Nomad cluster to run Nextflow pipelines.
In some ways, Nomad is an alternative to Kubernetes (and similar orchestrators) without its complexity. You can create a cluster of low-resources machines and Nomad orchestrates how/where deploy your workloads.
Workloads are defined in Nomad by a Job
witch contains 1 or more TaskGroup
, and every TaskGroup
contains 1 or more Task
This task can be a Jar application, a system process or a Docker image
Also, you can share volumes across your cluster. These volumes can be a local folder, in case you have only one machine, or use some of the available plugins to share CSI volumes as NFS, etc.
As you can imagine, this is enough to run Nextflow pipelines (a container orchestrator and shared volumes) and the "only"
missing piece is some Nextflow Executor
to submit tasks into the cluster and control their execution and this missing
piece is the nf-nomad
is a new Nextflow plugin, similar to the nf-k8s
kubernetes plugin, implementing the bridge logic between
Nextflow and Nomad.
When you execute a pipeline in Nextflow using this plugin as executor
, it will translate, create and submit the
Nextflow process to the cluster the Nomad Job
Once submitted, the plugin will maintain the status of every task in the Nexflow session.
The plugin is open source, and you can find it at https://github.com/nextflow-io/nf-nomad
Install and run a Nomad cluster it’s as easy as download and execute the binary from the official website. In the same way, configure and attach clients to the cluster are straightforward, and it only requires a text configuration file.
For simplicity, In this post, we’ll create a cluster with only one machine on (our computer). We’ll use, also, a local folder as shared volume.
Steps in this post have been tested using a Linux machine, not sure if they will work on a Mac. Surely it will not work in a Windows OS
Download the Git repo https://github.com/nextflow-io/nf-nomad and unzip it (or clone with git clone
) in some folder
Open a terminal console and navigate to the validation
sub-folder and run on it:
This sh will perform the following steps:
download the nomad
binary from the official website
create a server
and a client
configuration files
create a nomad_temp
folder and configure it as a "shared" volume called scratchdir
run the nomad executable
If all goes well, you have running a Nomad cluster into your computer. You see the UI at http://localhost:4646/
In this validation
folder you can find several pipelines examples. They are used to validate different plugin features.
We’ll try to run a simple "hello world" nextflow pipeline.
Open a terminal console and navigate to the validation
sub-folder and run on it:
export NOMAD_PLUGIN_VERSION=0.2.0 (1)
nextflow run -w $(pwd)/nomad_temp/scratchdir/ -c basic/nextflow.config basic/main.nf (2)
1 | Last version at this moment |
2 | This post assumes you have nextflow 24.x.x installed in your PATH |
Using the NOMAD_PLUGIN_VERSION environment variable, we instruct to basic/nextflow.config
about which version we
want to use. Feel free to use a fixed value in basic/nextflow.config
If all goes well, you will see the typical `Bonjour world', 'Ciao world', 'Hello world', 'Hola world' output
is the typical Nextflow "hello world", nothing special here.
configures nomad
as the default executor. Also, it contains the minimal configuration required
by the plugin:
process {
executor = "nomad"
nomad {
client {
address = "http://localhost:4646"
jobs {
volume = { type "host" name "scratchdir" }
As you can see, the plugin requires the endpoint to the cluster (localhost in our case) and a volume to attach to
the Job
. This volume was created previously by the start-nomad.sh
. In a more realistic situation probably this volume will
be a csi
In the same terminal and in the validation
folder run:
export NXF_ASSETS=$(pwd)/nomad_temp/scratchdir/assets
export NXF_CACHE_DIR=$(pwd)/nomad_temp/scratchdir/cache
nextflow run -w $(pwd)/nomad_temp/scratchdir/ -c basic/nextflow.config nf-core/demo -profile test,docker --outdir $(pwd)/nomad_temp/scratchdir/outdir
* Software dependencies
executor > nomad (7)
[21/35f6ba] process > NFCORE_DEMO:DEMO:FASTQC (SAMPLE1_PE) [100%] 3 of 3 ✔
[9b/5e0157] process > NFCORE_DEMO:DEMO:SEQTK_TRIM (SAMPLE3_SE) [100%] 3 of 3 ✔
[da/0eadbc] process > NFCORE_DEMO:DEMO:MULTIQC [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
-[nf-core/demo] Pipeline completed successfully-
if all goes well, you’ll be able to see the nf-core/demo
outputs at ./nomad_temp/scratchdir/outdir/pipeline_info
In all these examples, we’ve used a local folder as a shared volume between our nextflow command line and containers created into the nomad cluster. However, you can also use a S3 bucket (with wave+fusion), or install some of the available Nomad plugins and mount an NFS server, for example.
plugin allows also mounting more than one volume:
jobs {
volumes = [
{ type "host" name "scratchdir" },
{ type "host" name "scratchdir" path "/var/data" }, // can mount same volume in different path
Using the jobs.deleteOnCompletion
boolean configuration you can specify if the jobs are removed once completed or
maintain them for posterior inspection (using the nomad UI for example)
One feature of Nomad is to store variables into the cluster (and configure which roles can access to them,) and you
can use them in your Job
definition avoiding using fixed values into it.
plugin use this feature to provide a Nextflow SecretsProvider
as a bridge between your pipelines and these
Create a key=value variable into the cluster using the nomad cli.
./nomad var put secrets/nf-nomad/MY_ACCESS_KEY MY_ACCESS_KEY=TheAccessKey
use this variable as a secret into your pipeline
workflow.onComplete {
println("The secret is: ${secrets.MY_ACCESS_KEY}")
The start-nomad.sh
shell create a namespace and two variables. You can see how to use them in the secrets/main.nf
Stop the cluster is so easy as kill the nomad
process. You can use the stop-nomad.sh
shell to do it and clean the
temporal folder
Using the nomad
closure you can configure different aspects of the plugin as:
endpoint to the cluster
access token (in case you’ve protected the access with a token)
list of datacenters to use
region where allocate jobs
namespace to use in jobs
list of volume specs
list of affinities and constraints
attempts in case of failure
Also, in current version, some of them can be overwritten using environment variables:
NOMAD_DC (datacenters)
As a side/fun note, I would like to comment I was able to run the bactopia
pipeline in a raspberry pi attached to the
At this moment the plugin is in version 0.2.0
and it is being testing by the Universitey Gent team.
The Current version covers almost all the requirements to run typical pipelines, but surely new features will be included in the plugin
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