About Jorge Aguilera

During several years I run a one person company offering services as technical leader to innovate and promote customers processes. I provide my experience to improve the skills of the team, teaching good practices and applying productive tools and languages.
In every project I have worked I participated in budget and recruitment although my main role is technical leader. I design the architecture, decide and configure collaborative tools, assign tasks, and work close to developers team in an agile process
I believe in the Open Source Spirit and, as such, I have created and participated in several international projects. I am the main contributor of asciidoctor-extensions, asciidoctor-themes and groogle open source projects. I am also the main responsible for the 101-scripts blog about Groovy and author of the book "Tutorial Básico de Asciidoctor" (sold in Amazon). Also I’m an asidual tech talker in differents meetups


As system administrator I have proven experience installing and maintaining, in house or cloud, Windows and Linux machines

As developper I have 25 years of experience programming in C, C++, Java, Javascript, Groovy languages. Also I have proven experience with SpringFramework stack (SpringBatch, SpringBoot, SpringIntegration,…​) Grails 1.x, 2.x and 3.x and Angular. I work usually with Gradle, Maven and Git and organize my tasks with Jira. I have developed solutions in disparate environments as standalone applications, cash machine, point of sales, web servers and android devices.

As software architect I designed solutions for middle and large distribute environments applying SOA, REST, JMS (with Rabbitmq) and so on.

As solution provider I develop rapid prototypes to gain visibility arround the problem to solve, helping the customer to discover what is looking for.

As team lead I have experience working with small groups (5-6) using agile methodologies, helping them to discover how to use the tools, frameworks and how to focus in testing approaches.


10+ years C, C++ (OS/2, Windows, TCP/IP)

15+ years Java Programmer

9+ years Groovy&Grails (from v1.3.1)

10+ Spring framework (jdbc, batch, integration, cloud)

Angular, JQuery

10+ years Database (Informix, MySQL, SqlServer) 1+ year MondoDB

10+ years Tomcat, Jboss, Glassfish

2 years AWS, Google Cloud

SVN, Git

NetBeans, Eclipse, IntelliJ

Sockets, SOAP, Rest



Docker, K8s, RancherOS

Some achievements

Plaxo a QA framework to test backends and front navigation for an international airline company that replace SoapUI. It allows to different teams share Specs test, Geb navigations automations and generate evidences for each test.

SII Design and implement a microservices architecture with a multi-environment Docker system in order to allow consume huge files of invoices and send all of them via SOAP to the Agencia Tributaria Española

Gredos Design and development of a Java application oriented to optimize the stock of stores (90+) using historical data series and applying statistics functions for the forecast of sales in a non-assisted fashion. After two years, all stores have been able to optimize their stok, reducing costs and improving their estimation of workload.

Frappe Full redesign of ERP proprietary from Informix 4GL to a web application using Grails and Ajax Javascript (Dojo). Requirement analysis, architecture design and main developper. No install procedures, increased number of users, different business views and drastically improved management of characteristics and prices of articles are some of the new improvements

Merlin Development of a touch application (JavaFX & SOAP) for the control of an airline crew. Reduce the time spent signing in an old 3270 terminal using a modern interface from several minutes to few seconds

SONAR Grails REST backend & AngularJS application to collect children’s comment. WordPress plugin to show them into the corporate portal

2019, Software Architect Puravida Software

Software consultant for a multidisciplinar QA Team. Develop a new QA framework where create web automation test for an international airplane company, using Groovy/Spock Framework/Geb

Software consultant and support for a Docker microservices architecture migration to Kubernetes

2017-2018, Software architect in an european company

As software architect I try to improve methodologies and designs in a multidisciplinary team working with microservices most of them in Grails and Angular. I coordinate and supervisor tasks from the team at the same time I develop new features

Due to the lack of documentation I implemented a static site as internal documentation repository using Asciidoctor and Git only accesible via intranet

2016-2017, Software architect at Enxendra

Company focused about digital signature as e-invoice, sign documents with local and cloud certificates, etc

As software architect I’m working transforming an "all-in-one-place" application into a microservices architecture. We are introducing new languages and frameworks, mainly Spring Boot and Groovy/Grails, meanwhile we adapt functionalities to this new architecture without disrupt the service.

In this way, I have introduced Docker and Docker Compose as the new way to deploy applications to avoid typical problems about configuration, versions, and so on. Also I have created differents Jenkins’s jobs to implement a CD/CI process.

2009-2016, Software Architect Puravida Software

Working as contractor for Feu Vert Iberica, a oriented to fast maintance of vehicles market company with >90 stores in Spain and 10 in Portugal.

I was hired to perform a migration from Informix to Mysql and I ended doing a migration plan to transform their ERP (PowerBuilder) into a J2EE Web application. I have been offering solutions aimed at generating value in the company:

  • Frappe: Design and develop a custom ERP with Grails 1.3.7

  • Gredos: Design and develop an optimization of stock based in forecast sales ( Java+Grails )

  • Tarot: Kiosk application for mechanics employee (Groovy/Griffon touch application)

  • SOA Plan: migrate current programs to a service architecture, choose and install best tools and organize developer team

1997-2009, Co-founder EDN

For 12 years I led various teams of developers in different projects of varied characteristics.

  • Design and build multimedia author tool for Kiosk and ATM cash machine.

  • Develop multitude of application for self-service environment with graphics, video, audio, etc using TCP/IP sockets, WebServices, Ajax and so on.

  • Design and build first ATM cash machine application in Windows+Java+TCP/IP+WebServer (before where OS/2+Pascal+X.25) in Spain and probably in Europe.

  • Integrate propietary distribution software application in backend system of Visa Spain doing a J2EE Web interface.

  • Design and build a SNMP solution for ATM of Visa Spain

1992-1997 C.P. Software

I was hired as junior programmer and during this years I worked as Cobol/Natural/C/C++ programmer for different projects mainly in NCR Self-Service environment.

Before starting up my enterprisse I was the technical leader and pre-sales support for projects as Comunidad de Madrid, CajaMadrid, Viaplus, etc. in different environments, mainly self-service kiosk and ATM cash machines, with different technologies and team capacity

Personal Projects

  • Desglosa.me App to track invoices from differentes suppliers (AngularJS+AWS)

  • Chequea.me: App to manage scheduled check-lists (Android+AngularJS+AWS)

  • Sonar: App to record children’s opinions (Grails+Word Press+Twitter)

  • Facturae: libraries to integrate ERP with spanish electronic invoices system (Java).

  • CamarasTrafico (Madrid, Barcelona, Granada). 3 bots to check traffic camaras from different cities

Open Source

Tutorial basico Asciidoctor eBook published at Amazon as a basic guide to integrate Asciidoctor in your project. Also available on-line at http://jorge-aguilera.gitlab.io/tutoasciidoc/

TelotraigodemiPueblo a social network to share local products (final degree project) with Grails, Neo4j and Asciidoctor at https://telotraigodemipueblo.gitlab.io/tfg/

asciidoctor-extensions some useful Asciidoctor’s extensions open sourced at https://puravida-asciidoctor.gitlab.io/

MathML2Png a png generator of mathematical expressions (asciimath or TeX language). Online at https://mathml2png.herokuapp.com or as a Docker image at _jagedn/mathml2png

UOChrome a chrome extension to watch your forums and teacher’s notifications at Universidad Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Creta a Javascript converter between Excel and Seguridad Social’s XML files http://pvidasoftware.github.io/creta/

Groogle a collection of DSL arround Google API (Drive, Calendar, Sheet, Maps, Vision) https://groogle.gitlab.io

101-GroovyScripts coauthor of https://groovy-lang.gitlab.io/101-scripts/ a blog about Groovy language scripts oriented to solved tipical problems at work

Tech Talks

  • Speacker at Madrid Codemotion with "Tu API ha muerto, larga vida a tu Domain Specific Language"



Grado Ingeniería Informática (UOC)


Amazon Web Services Essential (Capside)


Scrum Master (Tecnofor)




Económicas Universidad Alcalá de Henares

2019 - 2024 | Mixed with Bootstrap | Baked with JBake v2.6.7 | Terminos Terminos y Privacidad